Art & Design
Art and Design Statement of Intent:
"To give our children the opportunity to be involved in, enjoy, understand and appreciate the visual arts and enable them to build the creative skills needed to reach their full potential using the language of art."
Art Knowledge Progression document.
Our Art and Design Curriculum
Our Art and Design curriculum is ambitious and inspires pupils to develop their artistic skills and knowledge and leaves them curious to find out more. We believe Art is an avenue for children to explore their curiosity, express themselves imaginatively, develop critical thinking skills, invent and craft works of art, develop an interest in great artists and develop skills: drawing, painting, working with colour, textiles, sculpting and creating ideas. Our aim is to have an engaging Art curriculum that is bespoke for our community. Our curriculum inspires our pupils to be brave with colour, material and mediums to create high quality physical and visual art pieces. Through the curriculum our pupils will enjoy learning about great artists and critique their work to gain a deep understanding of different types of art. Our Art curriculum enables pupils to be creative and injects a love for art.
Art Curriculum Principles.
Art & Design Content Map
Our Art and Design curriculum will enable pupils to:
Research and find out about great artists
Develop critique skills
Experiment with a variety of skills, painting, drawing, sculpting, sewing, collaging and working with fabric.
Make design decisions by developing sketchbooks
Imitate the work of artists
Create high quality art pieces
Reflect, evaluate and critique their work.
As an artist I can...
Art & Design Showcase
Summer 2023
During the Summer Term, the driver for our enquiry questions across the whole of the school was art.
EYFS - Summer Term 2023
During the Summer Term the enquiry question for EYFS was 'is a picture worth a thousand words?'
In EYFS, the enquiry began with children coming to school dressed as their favourite story book character. They also had a visit from the Library where they looked in detail at the pictures in a story and talked about what an illustrator is.
Throughout this enquiry, EYFS looked at different stories and the pictures within them. They experimented with different materials and techniques which they then applied to their final piece which was a collection of pictures to show the new F1 and F2s what they could expect during their time at school.
Y1/2 - Summer Term 2023
In year 1 and 2, their enquiry question was 'how can we make our mark?'
During the term, KS1 looked at how art can make an impact on the world. After practicing lots of different skills such as pattern making and the use of shadows, children created final pieces inspired by the Pop Art movement and the artist Andy Warhol.
Creative Homework
Pupil Voice - Autumn 2023
Year 3/4 - Autumn 2023
Year 3/4 - Autumn 2023
Visit From an Artist
During the Autumn Term, Year 3 and 4 had a visit from a local artist called Paul Lillie. He worked with them to help edit the plans they created for their final pieces to make them even better. He inspired the children by drawing them a picture of his own based on Stone Age art.