Computing Statement of Intent:
"To lead and deliver a high-quality computing education that utilises new technology in a socially responsible and safe way in order to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand the wider global community and act as responsible digital citizens."
Computing Knowledge Progression document.
Our Computing Curriculum
Our Computing curriculum addresses the challenges and opportunities offered by the technologically rich world in which we live. We use computing to enrich our curriculum across the key stages and ensure coverage of the national curriculum expectations. Following a clear progression of skills throughout the school, there are opportunities for children to solve problems, create online games and create videos.
Allowing out pupils to become confident and able computer technicians.
Computing Curriculum Principles.
Computing Content Map
Our Computing Curriculum will enable pupils to:
Use and express and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology
Create simple algorithms and programmes
Debug programming errors
Create, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content using a mixture of word processing, paint packages, digital photography and video packages
Be aware of their responsibilities online and know what to do if they have any concerns
Know how information is stored on computers and how it travels, connecting people across the world through the use of the World Wide Web
Explain their thinking behind their programmes
Explore how search engines work
Consider how their online actions can impact on others
Know when and how to report an online concern
Create computer games
Use technology safely and respectfully
Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
Identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies
As a digital citizen I can...
Computing Showcase
Well-being Online Posters
Our digital leaders have been busy creating their own posters to support children looking after their well-being whilst online. The posters are now up around school so make sure to look out for them!
Well-being Online
Digital Leaders

Smartphone online safety tips poster
Year 4 pupil voice.

Year 5 pupil voice

Year 5 Pupil Voice

Year 6 pupil voice

Year 6 Pupil Voice

Year 6 Pupil Voice

Year 6 Pupil Voice