Writing at Mapplewells
Through our immersive curriculum, children at Mapplewells experience writing woven throughout their learning as well as in their writing skills lessons. This engages children through giving writing a purpose and providing a wide-range of communication opportunities. Through use of our genre progression document and a grammar and punctuation progression document, we ensure children are being challenged appropriately. Our approach has a clear sequence, where our focus is on teaching the craft of writing, which can result in quality outcomes every time. Our lessons are carefully sequenced from the inception of an idea, to the development of vocabulary and the teaching of grammar that leads to effective planning and writing. The Teaching Sequence incorporates the following six stages:
Immerse- During this part of the sequence we immerse the children into the new context of what they are writing, with a focus on vocabulary. Where possible, this links directly to our enquiry driver and gives opportunities to develop speaking opportunities or drama
Analyse- Next, we then help pupils to focus on the audience and purpose by analysing the author's choices and overall intent. We dedicate a lesson to learning new vocabulary around the chosen context and how to spell these words.
Skills- Grammar, punctuation and spelling lessons are then taught in line with the features needed for that particular genre.
Plan- Children can then develop their creativity by planning out their own piece of writing that enables them to apply the learning they have been taught.
Write/Review- After that, our children then draft out their text in full sentences and paragraphs ready to be edited. Once improved, pupils then write their 'elevate' (or published piece) which demonstrate pride.
It was developed by Teresa Heathcote, Literacy Consultant, who developed the teaching sequence which has improved outcomes across the board in the schools that implemented it. The approach is informed by the most recent research, including the Education Endowment Foundation and the recent Ofsted Review of English 2022.