Welcome to F1!
Our school motto is:
"SUCCESS is in our hands"
Welcome to Foundation 1
Miss Coleman - Class Teacher
Mrs Smith - Teaching Assistant
Please look out for our termly newsletter which will keep you updated and will include all key dates and events.
Autumn Newsletter 2024
Overview of F1 2024/25
Curriculum Journey for F1 2024/25
Autumn 2024
Enquiry Question: "Are celebrations always positive?"
Autumn Enquiry Knowledge Mat 2024
Are celebrations always positive?
During this term in F1 we have been learning about celebrations from around the world and the history and origins of these events including why we celebrate them. We have been learning about Christmas, Diwali, Remembrance Day, Hanukkah, Bonfire night, birthdays and about how families can be made up in different ways. We talked about how all celebrations are not positive.