Religious Education
RE Statement of Intent:
"To provide children with the essential knowledge and skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitive relationships and staying safe both off and online."
Religious Education Information
Here at Mapplewells, we learn about and from all the main religions and faiths through an enriching and engaging RE curriculum. Cross-curricular dimensions such as identity, cultural diversity and community cohesion are reflected in our curriculum. RE lessons also contribute to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society.
Our RE curriculum also makes important contributions to other parts of the school curriculum such as citizenship, personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education), the humanities, education for sustainable development and others. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others.
Christianity is taught as two of these units each year with the others varying slightly from year to year. This builds up a good understanding of all the different religions over the years in a progressive way. Our school is multi-cultural and our curriculum helps us to encourage a positive attitude to different religions and beliefs.
RE Curriculum Principles.
Religious Education Content Map
Religious Education Showcase
We have a whole school fortnightly RE assembly , where the children get the opportunity to explore and compare different faiths as well as being able to make comparisons with their own experiences and non-religious views.
We cover the 6 main faiths at Mapplewells, with comparisons to Humanists and Atheists each assembly also.
There is a main faith as the theme for the assemblies, split into half terms, however other religions are also discussed.
Autumn 1 - Judaism
Autumn 2 - Christianity
Spring 1 - Islam
Spring 2 - Sikhism
Summer 1 - Hinduism
Summer 2 - Buddhism
We encourage children to compare their learning with their own experiences within their family life as well as opportunities we have within our school setting.
Whole School RE Day
We had a whole school RE Day based on how we can look after God's Wonderful Earth. The children used their creativity to design their posters to promote the important message of conservation and protecting our environment.
Our Christingle Celebrations are always a fantastic part of our school festivities. The whole school get involved with making a Christingle each, then we have the privilege of our local vicar, Rev. Peter Taylor visiting us to deliver our very own Christingle Service. The children get very excited when it comes to the time of lighting the candles and singing the songs!
KS1 Diwali
In Key stage One the children have been learning about the Hindu 'festival of lights' Diwali...they re-enacted the story of Rama and Sita and made beautiful Rangoli patterns using pastels.