Learning For Life
At Mapplewells, we all know the experiences a child has during the formative years of their life has such an impact on the kind of person they will develop into and become in the future. Such a lot of this important time is spent in school so, it is essential that we work in partnership with parents so that we can make a positive difference and create a strong foundation that can be built upon as children grow, develop and flourish.
What is Learning for Life?
Our Personal, Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E) together with our Relationships and Sex Education (R.S.E), enables our children to become healthy, independent, aspirational and responsible members of a diverse and ever-changing society.
At Mapplewells we teach these aspects of the curriculum as Learning for Life.
We strive to help our pupils understand how they are developing personally and socially, and support them to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
An important part of Learning for Life is the ability to discuss and debate issues with clarity, and listen to peoples points of view, whilst understanding that you do not have to agree with them but recognise their point of view.
We strive to provide our pupils with opportunities to learn about their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.
Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
We aim to have a positive impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for all pupils.
Our ultimate aim is for every single child who leaves Mapplewells to become the very best that they can be and to ensure that disadvantage does not hold any child back.
The overall objectives of the RSE curriculum are concerned about raising awareness of attitudes and values, developing personal and social skills and promoting knowledge and understanding. Learning for Life (RSHE) will look at aspects of diversity in an inclusive and non-judgemental way. At Mapplewells, we whole-heartedly support the philosophy of RSE and believe it is most effective when taught as part of Learning for Life.
Core Themes
The three core themes and their associated subheadings are as follows:
Core Theme 1: Health and Wellbeing
- Healthy lifestyles (physical wellbeing)
- Mental Health
- Ourselves, Growing and Changing
- Keeping Safe
- Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
Core Theme 2: Relationships
- Families and close positive Relationships
- Friendships
- Managing Hurtful Behaviour and Bullying
- Safe Relationships
- Respecting Self and Others
Core Theme 3: Living in the Wider World
- Shared Responsibilities
- Communities
- Media Literacy and Digital Resilience
- Economic Wellbeing: Money
- Economic Wellbeing: Aspirations, Work and Career
What are your Parental Rights?
The important lessons you teach your child about healthy relationships, looking after themselves and staying safe, are respected and valued under our Mapplewells Learning for Life curriculum. Teaching at school will complement and reinforce the lessons you teach your child as they grow up.
At Mapplewells Primary and Nursery School, it’s important to us that we progress our plans for RSE alongside your views as parents and develop and renew our policies on Relationships Education accordingly.
You can express your opinion in the form below, and this will help us decide how and when to cover the content of the statutory guidance. It may also help us decide whether to teach additional non-statutory content.
The Right to Withdraw
You cannot withdraw your child from Relationships Education because it is important that all children receive this content, covering topics such as friendships and how to stay safe.
If you do not want your child to take part in some or all of the lessons on Sex Education, you can ask that they are withdrawn. At primary level, the Headteacher must grant this request.
The science curriculum in all maintained schools also includes content on human development, including reproduction, which there is no right to withdraw from. If you want to know more about what will be taught as part of these subjects, the best thing to do is speak to Miss Coleman (Learning for Life Lead), read our Learning for Life RSHE policy and the document from Gov.UK:
Mapplewells Primary and Nursery School Relationships and Sex Education
At Mapplewells Primary and Nursery School we are using the P.S.H.E Association Education Programme of Study (key stages 1–2) which is the only national programme of study for the subject and is regularly signposted to by the Department for Education for schools to use.
Through its three core themes (Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World) the Programme of Study provides us with a framework for creating a programme, which matches our pupils’ needs. It covers the breadth of R.S.H.E from relationships and sex education (R.S.E) and health, to economic wellbeing and careers, setting out suggested content for each key stage.
The statutory guidance for, this programme of study, comprehensively covers Relationships and Sex Education (R.S.E) and Health Education’s learning opportunities across all the three core themes.