Special Educational Needs
SEND at Mapplewells
Mapplewells Primary School is a mainstream primary school with a nursery. We take pupils from age 3 – 11. Admissions to school are made through Nottinghamshire central admissions
We are an inclusive school and will aim to make any arrangements needed for all children to be fully included in our school.
We work closely with Local Authority Specialist Teachers from SFSS where a child has a specific need such as Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment or Autism. Where appropriate we also seek advice and support from other specialists.
'SUCCESS is in our Hands' underpins everything we do. Our school aims of Self Confidence, Understanding, Celebration, Curiosity, Excellence, enthusiasm and enjoyment, Self-discipline and Support run through everything we do. We actively encourage our children to achieve SUCCESS to ensure they achieve the best that they can in all areas of their learning, whilst supporting the school to be the best it can be.
Children are identified as having Special Educational Needs if their progress has slowed or stopped and the interventions and resources put in place do not enable improvement. Once this occurs, we have specific target setting plans which help support their development and accelerate progress. At this point the child is listed on our 'SEND register' for these pupils. Parents will be invited to discuss and review targets and support three times a year with the class teacher.
We scaffold teaching and learning tasks to suit the needs of the learner. Risk assessments will be written and shared with parents when they are needed and we can write personal evacuation plans if they are needed.
You can find full details of how we support children with additional needs in our School SEND Information Report and Policy Below.
Mrs Richards is our school SENCO. To contact Mrs Richards please contact the school office on 01623 455949 or email the office via office@mapplewells.notts.sch.uk. Our SENCO coordinates support for children with additional needs in school. The SENCO leads supporting children when they start or leave school, this includes visits by the staff and pupils, including extra visits for those who require them as well as sharing information with new schools.
Our SEND information documents
Nottinghamshire Local Offer can provide information about services and support in our area.
Some children require support to be co-ordinated with the Local Authority. These children would undergo an Education, Health and Care EHCP Pathway. Visit Nottshelpyourself website for more information. The leaflet below explains how the pathway works in Nottinghamshire.