Design & Technology
Design & Technology Statement of Intent:
"To design, make and evaluate creative, purposeful products through selecting appropriate materials and developing technical expertise to solve real problems."
DT Curriculum Principles
DT Knowledge Progression document.
Our Design and Technology Curriculum
We aim to provide children with a DT education that is relevant in our rapidly changing world and a curriculum that embodies our school intent: we intend to provide a wide range of inclusive opportunities, that ensure our children have a secure body of knowledge and effective critical thinking skills, which enable them to lead life with the highest of aspirations and contribute to life in modern Britain and the global community. Through our design and technology curriculum we aspire for our pupils to be unusually brave and think critically. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to discover what is possible through designing and making innovative products. We strive to push the limits and ask children to use their research to design and make innovative, creative products and want our pupils to be problems solvers. Through our DT curriculum we ensure that pupils will have opportunities to work with a wide range of mediums: textiles, food, woodwork and mechanisms. We have a knowledge rich scheme of work guided by the National Curriculum.
Curriculum Content Map
Our Design and Technology Curriculum will enable pupils to:
Conduct research and look at similar models.
Research and find out about designers, chefs, engineers
Acquire skills of cutting, making, constructing, gluing and making
Create detailed designs with annotations for products they will make
Review designs and create final designs
Use Computer Aided Design
Evaluate their products
Develop their knowledge of products and designers
Consider the impact of products on the environment
Explore audience, purpose and function
Understand the importance of aesthetics when designing products
As a designer I can...
Design & Technology Showcase
F1 Food Technology
Food Technology in F2
Year 1/2
IMG_1084 - Trim.MOV
KS1 Cooking Club - Bon Appetit!
Year 3/4
IMG_1091 - Trim.MOV
IMG_1091 - Trim 2.MOV
Year 5/6