At the end of the Foundation Stage (F2) the children will each be assessed using the Early Years Foundation Stage early learning goals and on the Development Matters age related expectations. National Curriculum assessment at Mapplewells takes place in Year 2 and Year 6. These tests are frequently referred to as SATs. Seven and eleven year olds are assessed in English, Maths and Science. The results are included in the end of year reports written to parents.
Ongoing assessments are carried out for writing, reading, spelling and mathematics in order to track pupil progress. Children who are not making satisfactory progress are identified, and given appropriate support.
Statutory Assessment will take into account:
- Views of parents
- Views of child
- Views of school
- Views of outside agencies
- Personal Provision Maps (PPM)
- Evidence of progress over time
- Match to set criteria
This information will be sent to the moderating panel who will then decide if a multi-agency assessment should take place. This may lead to a Statement of Educational Need. The school makes full use of the County Services in providing help for the full range of abilities that children display. Parents are asked to inform the school about any particular circumstances that may affect their child’s education. The class teacher has responsibility for SEN provision within the class. Mrs Thurman has particular responsibility as Special Educational Needs Leader (SENCO) and she is supported by the SEN teaching assistant Miss F Marshall. The Schools’ special education needs policy is followed by all the staff. A copy of this policy can be obtained through the 'About us' link at the top of the webpage.