Curriculum Enquiries - Authentic Outcomes
Now we are at end of our Autumn term the children are coming to the end of their curriculum enquiries for the Autumn Term. Each class has ended with an authentic outcome which is a way of them putting their knowledge and progress to use to showcase what they have learnt. It has been wonderful to see the children present so confidently their knowledge and understanding in a variety of different ways.
- F1 - What makes me special? - Produced a class book containing everything that makes them special.
- F2 - What is special about me? - Produced an amazing video explaining what is special about them, other people and a local hero.
- KS1 - Who changed the world for me? - Took part in a history maker day, producing a wonderful display and showcasing their key knowledge in their final pieces of work.
- Yr 3 - How do we find out about the past?- Stone Age day - children dressed up as stone age people and painted some wonderful cave paintings.
- Yr 4/5 - How do we benefit from change? - children presented their key knowledge and learning to the whole school in an assembly which was also attended by an expert from the Mansfield Museum.
- Yr 6 - What are the consequences of conflict? - Children wrote a poem on conflict and performed them along with a range of Christmas carols at a local church to raise money for the British Legion.
In addition, the children have had a range of opportunities throughout the term including Year 6 visiting the Holocaust Centre, Yr 4/5's trip to Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre, Yr 3's trip to Brakenhurst College for a Stone Age Experience, KS1 space day with visit from the planetarium and EYFS numerous visit's from people who help us.
As a result of these great experiences and opportunities the children have produced amazing work demonstrating their new knowledge and vocabulary and the school environment looks amazing with all of the enquiry displays throughout. Check out the photos, for a glimpse into the wonderful experiences and learning the children have undertaken.